What to Expect

The Process

We start with your story, what’s brought you in. It could be an issue beginning decades ago or just an hour ago when you lifted your groceries from the back seat and something went twang. To understand what went twang we’ll ask questions about your injury guiding us to the anatomical structures involved. We also want to know why this happened so we want to know who you are, what you do and importantly how you do it.

Once we’ve formed a picture of what might be going on, we examine to look for evidence in the body. With a fine-tuned sense of touch (palpation) we feel for restrictions and imbalanced tensions in the tissues. After identifying the tissues causing your symptoms we explore movement patterns, strength, weakness, flexibility and coordination. By taking a holistic examination we are often able to understand the background conditions that lead to the injury, particularly in cases where there seems to be no apparent cause.

We then interpret this data and turn it into information. This is the fun part, decoding the language of the body and turning it in to a narrative we can understand and work with. There may be anatomy books flicked through, scrappy drawings and strange analogies used. But it’s all in the name of getting us on the same page with what’s going on, what to do about it and how to prevent it recurring. We then get down to business with hands on work and simple self management strategies.


Every body is different, every situation is different but in all cases the techniques are precise and use no more force than necessary to achieve the desired effect. The techniques may be directly applied to the strained structure or indirectly in which techniques are performed around the tissues to create the conditions in which the injured tissues can unwind themselves (yes your tissues have intelligence!). The following are some techniques commonly used:

  • muscle, ligament and tendon massage and stretching

  • joint articulation, traction or compression

  • nerve stretches and decompression techniques

  • gentle joint manipulation

  • counter-strain techniques for strained and inflamed tissues

  • muscle energy techniques sometimes called PNF stretches

  • gentle cranial osteopathic work

  • visceral manipulation to work on the internal organs

Appointment Times

At The Body Speaks appointment times are a little longer allowing for deeper exploration, more time hands on and better outcomes.

Initial appointments are 1 hour. $135

Follow up appointments are 45 minutes (recommended). $125

However longer or shorter follow-up appointments are available:

Short appointments are 30 minutes. $95

Long Appointments are 1 hour. $170

Concessions are available for full time students, Health care card holders, unemployed and those going through financial hardship. Please get in touch if you have any questions or curiosities.